Mukkavilli, Krishna KiranSabharwal, AshutoshErkip, ElzaAazhang, Behnaam2007-10-312007-10-312003-07-202003-07-20K. K. Mukkavilli, A. Sabharwal, E. Erkip and B. Aazhang, "Beamformer Design with Feedback Rate Constraints : Criteria and Constructions," 2003. paperIn this work, we provide a geometrical framework for the analysis and design of beamformer codebooks with finite number of beamformer vectors. We present a design criterion for good beamfomer codebooks and show the equivalence of the beamformer design problem to two other known problems. First, the beamformer design problem can be directly posed as a problem of packing <b><i>2</i></b> dimensional subspaces in a <b><i>2t</i></b> dimensional Grassmannian manifold, <b><i>t</i></b> being the number of transmit antennas. And second, under certain conditions, the beamformer design problem is equivalent to the construction of unitary space time constellations.engMultiple antennasMIMO systemsbeamformingquantizerfeedbackBeamformer Design with Feedback Rate Constraints : Criteria and ConstructionsConference paperMultiple antennasMIMO systemsbeamformingquantizerfeedback