Vassileva-Karagyozova, SvetlanaBukoski,AnthonyNesterowicz, StefanBuchanan, Patrick J.Hartwig, JuliaMickiewicz, AdamVassileva-Karagyozova, SvetlanaBukoski,AnthonyNesterowicz, StefanBuchanan, Patrick J.Hartwig, JuliaMickiewicz, AdamThompson, Ewa2011-01-042011-01-042009-01Vassileva-Karagyozova, Svetlana, Bukoski,Anthony, Nesterowicz, Stefan, et al.. "The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 29, No. 1." (2009) The Polish Institute of Houston, Inc.: <a href=""></a>.1059-5872 "SR Data"; "Svetlana Vassileva-Karagyozova, "Voluntary social marginalization as a survival strategy in Polish postcommunist accounts of childhood"; "North of the Port", by Anthony Bukoski (reviewed by Mary Ann Furno); "Twelve Below Zero", by Anthony Bukoski (reviewed by Sally Boss); "Travel Notes", by Stefan Nesterowicz (reviewed by Patricia A. Gajda); "Powstanie Warszawskie 1944 w dokumentach.Z archiwów słužb specjalnych" (reviewed by Anna Muller); "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War", by Patrick J. Buchanan (reviewed by James R. Thompson); "Stalinism as a Way of Life", by Lewis Siegelbaum and Andrei Sokolov (reviewed by BoÏena Karwowska); "I Wrote Stone: The Selected Poetry by Ryszard Kapuściński; In Praise of the Unfinished: Selected Poems" by Julia Hartwig (reviewed by James E. Reid); "BOOKS Books"; "Four Sonnets by Adam Mickiewicz" (translated by Leo Yankevich); "Four Poems by Jerzy Harasymowicz" (translated by Ewa Stańczyk and Ian Popple); "About the Authors"engPolish Americans--PeriodicalsPoland--PeriodicalsEurope, Eastern--PeriodicalsThe Sarmatian Review, Vol. 29, No. 1The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 29, No. 1Journal article