Vieira, Scott2022-11-072022-11-072021Vieira, Scott. "The British Library’s Philatelic Collections – Interview With Richard Morel." <i>Serials Review,</i> 47, no. 2 (2021) Taylor & Francis: 71-79. this installment of “Conversations,” Richard Morel, curator of the British Library’s Philatelic Collections, discusses his professional background and the British Library’s Philatelic Collections, including its history, the collections’ holdings, its use by researchers, collection highlights, curation challenges, and the collections’ future.engThis is an author's post-print. The published article is copyrighted by Taylor & Francis.The British Library’s Philatelic Collections – Interview With Richard MorelJournal articleRichard MorelBritish LibraryBritish Library's Philatelic Collectionsspecial collectionsphilately