Miles, Steven R.Collins, Gabriel2023-04-052023-04-05Miles, Steven R. and Collins, Gabriel. "A Bridge Over Troubled Water: LNG FSRUs Can Enhance European Energy Security." <i>Baker Institute Issue Brief,</i> 03.29.22, (2022) James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy: our recent brief Strategic Response Options If Russia Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe, 2 we and our co-authors Kenneth Medlock and Anna Mikulska address options for supplying Europe with energy through the remainder of 2022 in the event that Russian natural gas supplies suffer interruption. Since we published the brief, Europe has formally proposed to reduce its reliance on Russian natural gas by two-thirds by year-end,3 and Russia in turn has threatened to terminate all natural gas supplies to Europe.4 Rising risk demands concrete, rapidly implementable gas supply solutions that can provide a bridge until longer-term infrastructure investments are in place. We address one such bridge in this follow-on brief.A Bridge Over Troubled Water: LNG FSRUs Can Enhance European Energy SecurityReportbi-brief-032922-ces-troubled-water