Bixby, Robert E.Rajan, Arvind2018-06-182018-06-181987-10Bixby, Robert E. and Rajan, Arvind. "A Short Proof of the Truemper-Tseng Theorem on Max-Flow Min-Cut Matroids." (1987) <a href=""></a>. has characterized the matroids satisfying the integral max-flow min-cut property with respect to a fixed element. Truemper and Tseng subsequently proved a decomposition theorem for this class, similar in spirit to Wagner's characterization of the regular (totally unimodular) matroids. The purpose of this paper is to give a short, self-contained exposition of the Truemper-Tseng result.17 ppengA Short Proof of the Truemper-Tseng Theorem on Max-Flow Min-Cut MatroidsTechnical reportTR87-22