Merritt, MichaelZhang, YinLiu, HelenMohan, Radhe2018-06-182018-06-182002-12Merritt, Michael, Zhang, Yin, Liu, Helen, et al.. "A Successive Linear Programming Approach to IMRT Optimization Problem." (2002) <a href=""></a>. propose to solve the IMRT optimization problem through a successive linear programming approach. Taking advantage of the sensitivity information in linear programming and the re-optimization ability of simplex methods, the proposed approach provides an affordable methodology to efficiently solve problems with dose-volume constraints. Preliminary computational results indicate that, compared to the standard weighted least squares approach, the new approach leads to higher tumor dosage escalation and better conformation.23 ppengA Successive Linear Programming Approach to IMRT Optimization ProblemTechnical reportTR02-16