Duhalt, Adrian2017-10-062017-10-062017Duhalt, Adrian. "Looting Fuel Pipelines in Mexico." <i>Issue Brief,</i> no. 06.23.17 (2017) James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy;Baylor College of Medicine: <a href="https://www.bakerinstitute.org/research/looting-fuel-pipelines-mexico/">https://www.bakerinstitute.org/research/looting-fuel-pipelines-mexico/</a>.https://hdl.handle.net/1911/97771The extent of fuelᅠtheft from pipelines in Mexico is now so great that it is becoming a serious financial burden for state-owned petroleum company Pemex and, more broadly, may pose a challenge to the implementation of policies designed to liberalize Mexico's gasoline market, writes postdoctoral fellow Adrian Duhalt.engLooting Fuel Pipelines in MexicoReport