Appadwedula, SwaroopBaraniuk, Richard G.2007-10-312007-10-312003-04-012003-04-01S. Appadwedula and R. G. Baraniuk, "Open-Content Signal Processing Laboratories in Connexions," 2003. PaperDue to inherent factors such as a small and fragmented market and rapid hardware obsolescence, the conventional textbook is inadequate for DSP laboratory education. Freely available open-content materials that enable and promote both local customization and further development by a community of educators offers a fresh approach to lab text development that can surmount these barriers. In this paper, we overview a joint effort under the aegis of the <i>Connexions Project</i> to develop a large pool of DSP lab modules sufficient to serve as the complete, stand-alone text for several types of DSP lab courses.engSignal ProcessingConnexionsEducationOpen-Content Signal Processing Laboratories in ConnexionsConference paperSignal ProcessingConnexions