Auel, AsherBernardara, MarcelloBolognesi, MicheleVárilly-Alvarado, Anthony2016-01-282016-01-282014Auel, Asher, Bernardara, Marcello, Bolognesi, Michele, et al.. "Cubic fourfolds containing a plane and a quantic del Pezzo surface." <i>Algebraic Geometry,</i> 1, no. 2 (2014) Foundation Compositio Mathematica: 181-193. isolate a class of smooth rational cubic fourfolds X containing a plane whose associated quadric surface bundle does not have a rational section. This is equivalent to the nontriviality of the Brauer class β of the even Clifford algebra over the K3 surface S of degree 2 arising from X. Specifically, we show that in the moduli space of cubic fourfolds, the intersection of divisors C8 ∩ C14 has five irreducible components. In the component corresponding to the existence of a tangent conic, we prove that the general member is both pfaffian and has β nontrivial. Such cubic fourfolds provide twisted derived equivalences between K3 surfaces of degrees 2 and 14, hence further corroboration of Kuznetsov’s derived categorical conjecture on the rationality of cubic fourfolds.engThis article is distributed with Open Access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits non-commercial reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.Cubic fourfolds containing a plane and a quantic del Pezzo surfaceJournal articlecubic fourfoldquadric surface bundleK3 surfacerationalityderived category