Stoll, Richard J.McAndrew, William2013-10-232013-10-231986-06Stoll, Richard J. and McAndrew, William. "Negotiating Strategic Arms Control, 1969-1979 : Modeling the Bargaining Process." <i>Journal of Conflict Resolution,</i> 30, no. 2 (1986) Sage: 315-326. data collected by Jensen (1984), we investigate whether cooperative and inverse reciprocity can successfully predict U.S. and Soviet actions during the 23 rounds of strategic arms negotiation during the 1969-1979 period. Each type of reciprocity gives rise to three models of bargaining behavior, which we implement as computer routines. In our analysis, we find that the cooperative reciprocity models fit more often than inverse reciprocity modelsengThis is an author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by Sage.Negotiating Strategic Arms Control, 1969-1979 : Modeling the Bargaining ProcessJournal article