Liu, JingboMendis, RajindMittleman, Daniel M.2013-08-022013-08-022013-07-15J. Liu, R. Mendis and D. M. Mittleman, "A Maxwell’s fish eye lens for the terahertz region," <i>Applied Physics Letters,</i> vol. 103, 2013. implement a two-dimensional Maxwell’s fish eye lens using a waveguide-based artificial dielectric. The Maxwell’s fish eye lens consists of two metallic cylindrical plates sandwiching a free-space region, with the inner surface of one plate shaped into a hollow conical form. This lens has the capability to image terahertz beams from a source located at the edge (between the plates) to the diametrically opposite point on the edge, independent of the incident angle.engA Maxwell’s fish eye lens for the terahertz regionJournal article