Fondren Library2019-06-252019-06-252019Fondren Library. "News From Fondren: Volume 28, No. 2, Spring 2019." (2019) Rice University: <a href=""></a>. Library newsletter to the Rice University community. Published twice a year (spring and fall)In this Issue: New Library Management and Discovery Systems Bring Changes to Fondren -- Grant-Funded Data Literacy Workshops Pair Fondren and Kinder Institute -- Symposium on Convict Leasing -- Got Feedback? Visit the Library Outreach Table -- Fondren Supports Voter Registration -- DMC Supporting Virtual Reality Work at Rice -- How Primo Will Affect Some Popular User Activities -- Fondren Enhances PDFs for Accessibility -- New QR Codes at Fondren Library -- Student Journals at Fondren -- Sandi Edwards Assumes Broader Roleat Fondren -- New Senior Metadata Assistant -- A Rice Institute Doughboy and a French Poilu: Remembering World War I -- Cherry Reading Series Brings Author Kiese Laymon and Others to Rice -- Cataloging Fondren’s Tibetan Loose leaf Books -- The Saga of Schomburg’s ‘Black Manhattan’ -- Friends of Fondren Library Gala -- Honoring Rice’s Authors, Editors, Composers and Artists16 ppengRights to this material belong to Rice University. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.Academic libraries--PeriodicalsNews From Fondren: Volume 28, No. 2, Spring 2019newslettersborn-digital