Tyler, HannahBishop, Justin2017-06-152017-06-152017Tyler, Hannah. Bishop, Justin (illustrator). "The Politics of Policy: the Obama Doctrine and the Arab Spring." <i>Rice Historical Review,</i> 2, no. Spring (2017) Rice University: 70-87. https://doi.org/10.25611/m-00055.https://hdl.handle.net/1911/94860This paper was written in Dr. Nathan Citino's history seminar, America in the Middle East (HIST 436).This paper defines and examines the Obama Doctrine by contextualizing it through the lens of other presidential doctrines and schools of realism and idealism. In addition, it seeks to establish the doctrine's tenets and contradictions. It then examines Obama’s arc of disenchantment with the Arab Spring and explains how this arc affected the way he made policy regarding the Middle East.18 ppengThis article is licensed under a CC-BY license; copyright remains with the authors.The Politics of Policy: the Obama Doctrine and the Arab SpringJournal articleTyler-RHR-2017-Springhttps://doi.org/10.25611/m-00055