Chantharasupawong, PanitPhilip, RejiNarayanan, Narayanan T.Sudeep, Parambath M.Mathkar, AkshayAjayan, Pulickel M.Thomas, Jayan2013-09-182013-09-182013Chantharasupawong, Panit, Philip, Reji, Narayanan, Narayanan T., et al.. "Recent Advances in Optical Limiting Properties of Fluorinated Graphene Oxides." <i>Optical Processes in Organic Materials and Nanostructures II,</i> 8827, (2013) SPIE: 88270G. is a substantial interest in finding materials with high nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of materials because of its attractive applications in optical limiting for safety protections. In an effort to develop highly performing optical limiting materials, recently we have found that fluorination of graphene oxides leads to improvement in their NLO properties.engThis is an author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by SPIE.Recent Advances in Optical Limiting Properties of Fluorinated Graphene OxidesJournal articlefluorinationphotoacousticZ-scanlocalized sp2 domainsgraphene oxideopitcal limiting