Leuchter, Marcus D.Jazbec, MilanWilczek, PiotrDadlez, AnnaCienciala, AnnaWout, RodiDenys, BarbaraWojciechowski, MaryannTyszkiewicz, WalentyLeuchter, Marcus D.Jazbec, MilanWilczek, PiotrDadlez, AnnaCienciala, AnnaWout, RodiDenys, BarbaraWojciechowski, MaryannTyszkiewicz, WalentyThompson, Ewa2011-01-052011-01-052000-09Leuchter, Marcus D., Jazbec, Milan, Wilczek, Piotr, et al.. "The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 20, No. 3." (2000) The Polish Institute of Houston, Inc.: <a href="https://hdl.handle.net/1911/36264">https://hdl.handle.net/1911/36264</a>.1059-5872https://hdl.handle.net/1911/36264Contents: "SR INDEX"; Marcus D. Leuchter, "Reflections on the Holocaust"; Milan Jazbec, "The Small New States in Europe after the Fall of the Berlin Wall and Their Diplomacies"; "BOOKS"; Piotr Wilczek, "Speaking Volumes about Poles" (review); "LETTERS" (Anna Dadlez, Anna Cienciala, Rodi Wout, Barbara Denys, Maryann Wojciechowski); "About the Authors"; Walenty Tyszkiewicz, "Polish Diaspora in Turkmenistan: A Colonial Narrative"; "LECTURE ANNOUNCEMENT"engPolish Americans--PeriodicalsPoland--PeriodicalsEurope, Eastern--PeriodicalsThe Sarmatian Review, Vol. 20, No. 3The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 20, No. 3Journal article