Fleisher, Jeffrey2019-03-052019-03-052013Fleisher, Jeffrey. "How Public Space is Used in Ancient Cities: The Case of Songo Mnara, a Medieval Swahili City in Tanzania." (2013) Rice University and Kinder Institute for Urban Research: https://doi.org/10.25611/lxds-nayg.https://hdl.handle.net/1911/105195This paper will discuss a number of ancient and contemporary examples of public space to explore the important distinctions between how they were planned and built, and how they were shaped by subsequent events and practices. Then, using Songo Mnara as a case study, I describe the research at the site and the interpretations of the public spaces in this ancient urban setting.engCopyright ©2013 by Rice University Kinder Institute for Urban Research. All rights reserved.How Public Space is Used in Ancient Cities: The Case of Songo Mnara, a Medieval Swahili City in TanzaniaReportFleisher-Kinder-White-Paperhttps://doi.org/10.25611/lxds-nayg