Barron, MerrieBarron, Andrew R.2022-05-032022-05-032019-05-15Barron, Merrie and Barron, Andrew R.. "Project Management." (2019) Rice University: <a href=""></a>. goal of this book is to provide the skills for science and engineering to meet the challenges of their future careers, whether they be in academia, industry, or as an entrepreneur. The book is based upon a course taught at Rice University entitled Management for Science and Engineering (MSCI-610 - ENGI 610), which was started in 1998. The course was taught to undergraduates, graduate students, and professional masters students and involves the areas of organizational behavior & leadership, accounting, marketing, strategy, entrepreneurship, and project management. It is this last area that is covered in this book. Irrespective of your future career in science and engineering you will be involved in projects and an awareness of the factors that enable a successful project is important for all team members. It should be recognized that the topics included in the book are not limited to scientists and engineers, they are useful for people in any careers. This course is not aimed at making you a certified project manager, but to provide the skills that will allow you to be a more effective project team member and also when you are dragged screaming and kicking into the role of accidental project manager.119 ppengThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (BY 4.0)BusinessScience and TechnologyHumanitiesSocial SciencesProject Managementbusiness administrationcommunicationengineerengineeringexpertisehistoryinitiationlife cyclemanagementplanningpoliticsprojectqualityresourceriskschedulesciencescientistscopestakeholdercol11120-FINALInstructional and educational works