Palladino, Lauren2021-02-092021-02-092020Palladino, Lauren. "Exploring Barriers to Women's Political Representation in Thailand." (2020) Rice University: quotas have proven to be one of the more effective ways of improving women’s representation in legislatures worldwide. While extensive literature exists on the efficacy of these quotas throughout Europe, the Americas, and Africa, there is a newfound need to shift focus to gender representation in Southeast Asian nations. This study applies many of the existing theories on gender quotas to existing quotas throughout Southeast Asia, specifically examining the anomaly of Thailand. While Thailand continues to lag behind other South- east Asian nations, the results of this study hint at the more complex sociocultural forces at play. These findings are consistent with existing theories of women’s representation in global legislatures, and suggest that the efficacy of gender quotas is largely dependent on the context of each nation individually. The results of this study hold critical implications for understanding both women’s roles in government, as well as the barriers to implementing institutional changes for equality.14 ppengCopyrighted material. All rights reserved.Exploring Barriers to Women's Political Representation in ThailandReportGenderGender QuotasWomen in PoliticsThailand