Steger, Christopher2007-10-312007-10-312004-05-012004-07-06C. Steger, "TAP Channel Measurement: Fundamentals, Goals, and Plans," <i>None,</i> 2004. DocumentBefore we can realize the potential of the TAP (Transit Access Point) project, we must first understand the channel in which we will operate. Specifically, very little information exists on the characteristics of elevated MIMO wireless channels at 2.4 GHz. Thus, we have chosen to produce our own measurement equipment and conduct a measurement campaign. In addition, we hope to gain insights into the tools and techniques that will be necessary for the eventual implementation of a high-speed MIMO OFDM data system.engTAPOFDMMIMOchannel measurementTAP Channel Measurement: Fundamentals, Goals, and PlansPresentationTAPOFDMMIMOchannel measurement