McDaniel, W. Caleb2012-07-252012-07-257/25/2012McDaniel, W. Caleb. "Spreading the News about Hydropathy: How Did Americans Learn to Stop Worrying and Trust the Water Cure?." (7/25) <a href=""></a>. paper was delivered at the 2012 annual meeting of the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic in Baltimore. It was included in a panel on information networks in the early republic and explores the question of how some Americans decided to trust information about the water cure, a nineteenth-century health reform movement also known as hydropathy.engThis item is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.water cureabolitionismnetworkshydropathyhistory of medicineSpreading the News about Hydropathy: How Did Americans Learn to Stop Worrying and Trust the Water Cure?Presentation