Bronk, ChristopherSmith, Tiffany2016-08-312016-08-312010Bronk, Christopher and Smith, Tiffany. "Diplopedia Imagined: Building State's Diplomacy Wiki." <i>2010 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS),</i> (2010) IEEE: interest has been directed by the Obama Administration in harnessing Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, wikis, social media and cloud computing to overhaul the business of government. Addressed here is the account of an enterprise wiki at the U.S. State Department. That wiki, Diplopedia is currently employed by the State’s employees to share subject matter knowledge related to the process of diplomacy. Contained herein is an account of how Diplopedia was conceived and became a functional system for knowledge sharing at the Department of State (DoS).e-governmentwikisWeb 2.0social softwaredigital diplomacyenterprise architectureDiplopedia Imagined: Building State's Diplomacy WikiJournal article