de Baynast, AlexandreSabharwal, AshutoshAazhang, Behnaam2007-10-312007-10-312005-11-012005-11-01A. de Baynast, A. Sabharwal and B. Aazhang, "Analysis of Decision-Feedback Based Broadband OFDM Systems," 2005. paperIn wireless communications, about 25% of the bandwidth is dedicated to training symbols for channel estimation. By using a semi-blind approach, the training sequence length can be reduced while improving performance. The principle is as follows: the detected symbols (hard decision) are fed back to the channel estimator in order to re-estimate the channel more accurately. However, semi-blind approach can significantly deteriorate the performance if the bit error rate is high. In this paper, we propose to determine analytically the minimum Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) from which a semi-blind method starts to outperform a training sequence based only system.engSemi-blindDecision-Feedback EqualizerOFDM systemAnalysis of Decision-Feedback Based Broadband OFDM SystemsConference paperSemi-blindDecision-Feedback EqualizerOFDM system