Khojastepour, MohammadSabharwal, AshutoshAazhang, Behnaam2007-10-312007-10-312003-05-012003-05-01M. Khojastepour, A. Sabharwal and B. Aazhang, "Achievable Rates for Arbitrary Network Topologies with â Cheapâ Nodes," 2003. paperIn this paper, we derive achievable rates for arbitrary network topologies consisting of â cheapâ nodes. A node is labeled â cheapâ if its radio can only operate in TDD mode when transmitting and receiving in the same frequency band. Two main results are shown. The first result provides an achievable rate for the channel with either continuous alphabet or discrete channel. The second result provides the achievable rate for the Gaussian channel with average power constraint. The two results are applied to the case of Gaussian relay channel and concatenated channel with cheap nodesengCheap relayAchievable ratenetworkAchievable Rates for Arbitrary Network Topologies with â Cheapâ NodesConference paperCheap relayAchievable ratenetwork