Johnson, DonSinanovic, Sinan2007-10-312007-10-312001-03-202002-03-22D. Johnson and S. Sinanovic, "Symmetrizing the Kullback-Leibler Distance," <i>IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,</i> 2001. PaperWe define a new distance measure - the resistor-average distance - between two probability distributions that is closely related to the Kullback-Leibler distance. While the Kullback-Leibler distance is asymmetric in the two distributions, the resistor-average distance is not. It arises from geometric considerations similar to those used to derive the Chernoff distance. Determining its relation to well-known distance measures reveals a newway to depict how commonly used distance measures relate to each other.engKullback-Leibler distanceJ-divergenceAli-Silvey distanceinformatin processingInformation ProcessingSymmetrizing the Kullback-Leibler DistanceJournal articleKullback-Leibler distanceJ-divergenceAli-Silvey distanceinformatin processing