History Faculty Publications

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    Migrant Self-Selection and Random Shocks: Evidence from the Panic of 1907
    (Cambridge University Press, 2023) Escamilla-Guerrero, David; López-Alonso, Moramay
    We study the impact of the 1907 Panic, the most severe economic crisis before the Great Depression, on the selection of Mexican immigration. We find that migrants were positively selected on height before the crisis. This pattern changed to negative selection during the crisis but returned to positive selection afterward. Adjustments in selection were partially mediated by the enganche, a historical labor-recruiting system that reduced migration costs but only for taller laborers with above-average earnings potential. We document that labor recruiting contributed to maintaining the relatively constant height profile of the migration flow in the short run.
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    Resistência, sobrevivência e associativismo: reinventando a vida nos territórios de escravidão moderna (séculos XVIII-XX)
    (SciELO, 2021) Barreto, Maria Renilda; Silva, Daniel B. Domingues da
    Este dossiê apresenta resultados inéditos de uma agenda de investigação que problematiza a dinâmica das relações sociais, no Brasil, discutindo como as populações escravizadas e libertas montaram estratégias de sobrevivência e de reinvenção em territórios demarcados pela escravidão moderna por meio do associativismo. Os artigos se espraiam entre os séculos XVIII e XX, abrangem diversas regiões brasileiras e ampliam as percepções de como negras e negros moldaram o país a partir de tensionamentos, conflitos e negociações alterando as configurações sociais, culturais, educacionais, científicas, dentre outros campos das relações humanas.
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    Liberdade entre fronteiras: libertos no Território Indígena e no Sul dos Estados Unidos
    (SciELO, 2019) Yarbrough, Fay A.
    This essay examines how the former slaves of Choctaw Indians, and in Indian Territory more generally, discussed and imagined freedom within this context by exploring their memories of the era within the Works Progress Administration’s (WPA) slave narratives. These former slaves often described owners and overseers, and the announcement of emancipation in very similar language to those familiar with the accounts of ex-slaves from the Confederate states. Where their accounts differ markedly, however, is in terms of their access to land once the Civil War ended and the process of Reconstruction (1863-1877) began: the former slaves of native peoples in Indian Territory gained rights to land, while those from the Southern states did not.
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    Thinking Across the African Past: Interdisciplinarity and Early History
    (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2012) de Luna, Kathryn M.; Fleisher, Jeffrey B.; McIntosh, Susan Keech
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    Challenges and Considerations Related to Studying Dementia in Blacks/African Americans
    (IOS Press, 2017) Ighodaro, Eseosa T.; Nelson, Peter T.; Kukull, Walter A.; Schmitt, Frederick A.; Abner, Erin L.; Caban-Holt, Allison; Bardach, Shoshana H.; Hord, Derrick C.; Glover, Crystal M.; Jicha, Gregory A.; Van Eldik, Linda J.; Byrd, Alexander X.; Fernander, Anita
    Blacks/African Americans have been reported to be ∼2–4 times more likely to develop clinical Alzheimer’s disease (AD) compared to Whites. Unfortunately, study design challenges (e.g., recruitment bias), racism, mistrust of healthcare providers and biomedical researchers, confounders related to socioeconomic status, and other sources of bias are often ignored when interpreting differences in human subjects categorized by race. Failure to account for these factors can lead to misinterpretation of results, reification of race as biology, discrimination, and missed or delayed diagnoses. Here we provide a selected historical background, discuss challenges, present opportunities, and suggest considerations for studying health outcomes among racial/ethnic groups. We encourage neuroscientists to consider shifting away from using biologic determination to interpret data, and work instead toward a paradigm of incorporating both biological and socio-environmental factors known to affect health outcomes with the goal of understanding and improving dementia treatments for Blacks/African Americans and other underserved populations.
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    Who Cares Who Made the Map? La Carta del Cantino and its anonymous maker
    (e-Perimetron, 2017) Metcalf, Alida C.
    This paper explores the authorship of the anonymous La Carta del Cantino through an analysis of design signatures. Using high resolution digital copies of charts in ArcGIS, La Carta del Cantino is compared to contemporaneous charts. The long-held assumption that La Carta del Cantino was a surreptitious copy of the Portuguese king’s royal pattern chart is rejected in favor of a more simple explanation: Alberto Cantino commissioned the world chart from a chartmaker in Lisbon, and that chartmaker was Pedro Reinel.
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    Paradoxical Infrastructures: Ruins, Retrofit, and Risk
    (Sage, 2015) Howe, Cymene; Lockrem, Jessica; Appel, Hannah; Hackett, Edward; Boyer, Dominic; Hall, Randal; Schneider-Mayerson, Matthew; Pope, Albert; Gupta, Akhil; Rodwell, Elizabeth; Ballestero, Andrea; Durbin, Trevor; el-Dahdah, Farès; Long, Elizabeth; Mody, Cyrus C.M.; Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences
    In recent years, a dramatic increase in the study of infrastructure has occurred in the social sciences and humanities, following upon foundational work in the physical sciences, architecture, planning, information science, and engineering. This article, authored by a multidisciplinary group of scholars, probes the generative potential of infrastructure at this historical juncture. Accounting for the conceptual and material capacities of infrastructure, the article argues for the importance of paradox in understanding infrastructure. Thematically the article is organized around three key points that speak to the study of infrastructure: ruin, retrofit, and risk. The first paradox of infrastructure, ruin, suggests that even as infrastructure is generative, it degenerates. A second paradox is found in retrofit, an apparent ontological oxymoron that attempts to bridge temporality from the present to the future and yet ultimately reveals that infrastructural solidity, in material and symbolic terms, is more apparent than actual. Finally, a third paradox of infrastructure, risk, demonstrates that while a key purpose of infrastructure is to mitigate risk, it also involves new risks as it comes to fruition. The article concludes with a series of suggestions and provocations to view the study of infrastructure in more contingent and paradoxical forms.
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    Drilling Down: Can Historians Operationalize Koselleck’s Stratigraphical Times?
    (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015) Zammito, John
    According to Reinhart Koselleck, in every moment a congeries of “temporal strata” are effectively co-present, but not necessarily coherent, hence the “simultaneity of the nonsimultaneous.” Contrast this with the notion of a zeitgeist in which every aspect of a historical moment is integrated by some master principle. There are so many trajectories active in any present that it is unlikely that one might coordinate all of them, if not unwise even to believe that they are coordinated. Not only does each historical present demonstrate at best rhizomic or patchy coherences across domains, but it also registers different paces and intensities in the temporal deployment of the domains. Nevertheless, coherence remains a compelling regulative ideal. Fortunately, path-dependency—cumulation as constraint—is a discriminable feature of the several distinct “layers of time” or diachronic flows co-present in any given historical moment. Moreover, that some strata of experience remain roughly constant enables us to appraise the variation of others. If too many elements enter into simultaneous crisis, if we hit the “perfect storm,” then our capacity to comprehend (like that of our objects of inquiry) may be severely impaired. These insights from Koselleck are eminently applicable and deserve recognition and gratitude in historical epistemology.
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    Beyond Failure: Rethinking Confederate State Policies on the Western Frontier
    (8/1/2015) McDaniel, W. Caleb
    This paper was delivered at the Remaking North American Sovereignty conference held in Banff, Canada, July 30-August 1, 2015.
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    (Duke University Press, 2001) Wildenthal, Lora
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    Rudolf Laun und die Menschenrechte der Deutschen im besetzten Deutschland und in der frühen Bundesrepublik
    (Wallstein Verlag, 2010) Wildenthal, Lora; Hoffmann, Stefan-Ludwig
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    Gender and Colonial Politics after the Versailles Treaty
    (Berghahn, 2010) Wildenthal, Lora; Canning, Kathleen; Barndt, Kerstin; McGuire, Kristin
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    The Places of Colonialism in the Writing and Teaching of Modern German History
    (The European Studies Journal, 1999) Wildenthal, Lora
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    Rasse und Kulter Frauenorganisationen in der deutschen Kolonialbewegung des Kaiserreichs
    (Campus Verlag, 2003) Wildenthal, Lora; Kundrus, Birthe
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    Rudolf Laun and the Human Rights of Germans in Occupied and Early West Germany
    (Cambridge University Press, 2011) Wildenthal, Lora; Hoffmann, Stefan-Ludwig
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    Human Rights Advocacy and National Identity in West Germany
    (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000) Wildenthal, Lora
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    ’When Men Are Weak‘: The Imperial Feminism of Frieda von Bülow
    (Wiley, 1998) Wildenthal, Lora
    Frieda von Bülow was a colonialist woman author and activist who also engaged the bourgeois women's movement of pre-First World War Germany. She is of interest to scholars of German colonialism, racial thought, feminism, and women's literature. This article interprets her life experiences, including travel to German East Africa (mainland Tanzania) and her affair with Carl Peters, together with her feminist non-fiction and anti-feminist fiction, to argue that she developed an imperial feminism in which German women's emancipation was predicated on the subordination of racialised ‘others’.