Browsing by Author "Wu, Jianda"
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Item Crossovers and critical scaling in the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model(American Physical Society, 2018) Wu, Jianda; Zhu, Lijun; Si, Qimiao; Rice Center for Quantum MaterialsWe consider the scaling behavior of thermodynamic quantities in the one-dimensional transverse field Ising model near its quantum critical point (QCP). Our study has been motivated by the question about the thermodynamical signatures of this paradigmatic quantum critical system and, more generally, by the issue of how quantum criticality accumulates entropy. We find that the crossovers in the phase diagram of temperature and (the nonthermal control parameter) transverse field obey a general scaling ansatz, and so does the critical scaling behavior of the specific heat and magnetic expansion coefficient. Furthermore, the Grüneisen ratio diverges in a power-law way when the QCP is accessed as a function of the transverse field at zero temperature, which follows the prediction of quantum critical scaling. However, at the critical field, upon decreasing the temperature, the Grüneisen ratio approaches a constant instead of showing the expected divergence. We are able to understand this unusual result in terms of a peculiar form of the quantum critical scaling function for the free energy; the contribution to the Grüneisen ratio vanishes at the linear order in a suitable Taylor expansion of the scaling function. In spite of this special form of the scaling function, we show that the entropy is still maximized near the QCP, as expected from the general scaling argument. Our results establish the telltale thermodynamic signature of a transverse-field Ising chain, and will thus facilitate the experimental identification of this model quantum-critical system in real materials.Item Finite-Temperature Spin Dynamics in a Perturbed Quantum Critical Ising Chain with an E8 Symmetry(American Physical Society, 2014) Wu, Jianda; Kormos, Márton; Si, QimiaoA spectrum exhibiting E8 symmetry is expected to arise when a small longitudinal field is introduced in the transverse-field Ising chain at its quantum critical point. Evidence for this spectrum has recently come from neutron scattering measurements in cobalt niobate, a quasi-one-dimensional Ising ferromagnet. Unlike its zero-temperature counterpart, the finite-temperature dynamics of the model has not yet been determined. We study the dynamical spin structure factor of the model at low frequencies and nonzero temperatures, using the form factor method. Its frequency dependence is singular, but differs from the diffusion form. The temperature dependence of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation rate has an activated form, whose prefactor we also determine. We propose NMR experiments as a means to further test the applicability of the E8 description for CoNb2O6.Item Magnetic and Ising quantum phase transitions in a model for isoelectronically tuned iron pnictides(American Physical Society, 2016) Wu, Jianda; Si, Qimiao; Abrahams, ElihuConsiderations of the observed bad-metal behavior in Fe-based superconductors led to an early proposal for quantum criticality induced by isoelectronic P for As doping in iron arsenides, which has since been experimentally confirmed. We study here an effective model for the isoelectronically tuned pnictides using a large-N approach. The model contains antiferromagnetic and Ising-nematic order parameters appropriate for J1−J2 exchange-coupled local moments on an Fe square lattice, and a damping caused by coupling to itinerant electrons. The zero-temperature magnetic and Ising transitions are concurrent and essentially continuous. The order-parameter jumps are very small, and are further reduced by the interplane coupling; consequently, quantum criticality occurs over a wide dynamical range. Our results reconcile recent seemingly contradictory experimental observations concerning the quantum phase transition in the P-doped iron arsenides.Item Quantum critical dynamics for a prototype class of insulating antiferromagnets(American Physical Society, 2018) Wu, Jianda; Yang, Wang; Wu, Congjun; Si, Qimiao; Center for Quantum MaterialsQuantum criticality is a fundamental organizing principle for studying strongly correlated systems. Nevertheless, understanding quantum critical dynamics at nonzero temperatures is a major challenge of condensed-matter physics due to the intricate interplay between quantum and thermal fluctuations. The recent experiments with the quantum spin dimer material TlCuCl3 provide an unprecedented opportunity to test the theories of quantum criticality. We investigate the nonzero-temperature quantum critical spin dynamics by employing an effective O(N) field theory. The on-shell mass and the damping rate of quantum critical spin excitations as functions of temperature are calculated based on the renormalized coupling strength and are in excellent agreement with experiment observations. Their TlnT dependence is predicted to be dominant at very low temperatures, which will be tested in future experiments. Our work provides confidence that quantum criticality as a theoretical framework, which is being considered in so many different contexts of condensed-matter physics and beyond, is indeed grounded in materials and experiments accurately. It is also expected to motivate further experimental investigations on the applicability of the field theory to related quantum critical systems.Item Research on Dynamics and Thermodynamics near Quantum Critical Points(2014-08-15) Wu, Jianda; Si, Qimiao; Nevidomskyy, Andriy; Deem, MichaelQuantum phase transition arises in general as second order phase transition at zero temperature, tuned by a non-thermal parameter such as pressure, doping or a magnetic field. The point in the phase diagram of the material in which different phases meet is called a quantum critical point (QCP). Physics around QCPs are of extensive current interest because the critical quantum fluctuations influence the physical properties in a wide temperature range (quantum criticality), and are believed to be responsible for many emergent physical properties such as non-Fermi liquids and unconventional superconductivity. In this research we explore dynamics and thermodynamics near QCPs via investigating three classes of models, which all have real material correspondence. Specifically first, we study local dynamics in a perturbed quantum critical Ising chain with E8 symmetry, where we show the local dynamical spin susceptibility has a singular dependence on frequency, but differs from the diffusion form. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation rate at low temperatures depends exponentially on the inverse temperature, whose prefactor we also determine. We propose NMR experiments as a means to further test the applicability of the E8 description for CoNb2O6. Second, we investigate the thermodynamic properties of itinerant ferromagnets near quantum critical points, described by the quantum Landau-Ginzburg theory. We provide a regularized perturbative renormalization group procedure to calculate the free energy. We further carry out numerical calculations on thermodynamic quantities, capturing not only the leading critical behaviors, but also the subleading and nonsingular contributions. We demonstrate various thermodynamic signatures of quantum criticality, including the entropy accumulation effect and the divergence of the specific heat coefficient. A detailed comparison to the recent experimental results on an itinerant ferromagnet Sr3Ru2O7 is also presented. Third, we explore Ising-nematic and magnetic phases and their transitions in iso-electronically doped iron pnictides by carrying out a large-N study of an effective low-energy Ginzburg-Landau model for these systems. We demonstrate that the magnetic and Ising orders transitions are concurrent at zero temperature, and both transitions are weakly first-order, which is consistent with RG-based prediction and experimental observations.