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Fondren Digital Scholarship Services

Welcome to the Fondren Digital Scholarship Services newsletter! In this publication, we highlight services, tools and collections of interest to the Rice community. We also share staff news and spotlight recent collaborations.

We welcome feedback on this newsletter and questions about Digital Scholarship Services. Contact or 713-348-2480.

Infographic of magnifying glass studying data

Spring Data Workshops Offered Online


The Data @ Rice Workshop Series, sponsored by Fondren Library and the Center for Research Computing, provides hands-on training in the basics of organizing, documenting, analyzing, and visualizing your data. Spring sessions will be offered via Zoom and Canvas. Course descriptions and registration can be found on the library website.

New Course Explores OER


Fondren's new on-demand Canvas course, "Owls Learn OER," includes a series of self-paced modules designed to serve as an introduction to open educational resources (OER). Topics include open licensing, finding and using OER, and creating OER.

The course is open to all Rice faculty, staff, and students. To enroll, please visit

Additional information about OER can be found in the library's research guide.
Rice Digital Scholarship Archive logo

RDSA Supports Datasets


Do you need to deposit the data related to an article in a repository ahead of publication? Are you interested in increasing the discoverability and access to your data? The Rice Digital Scholarship Archive (RDSA) might be a solution.

The RDSA provides global access to research and scholarship produced at Rice University. The archive supports a wide variety of material including datasets.
Benefits of using the RDSA include:
  • Visibility: When you deposit your work in the RDSA, it becomes available to search engines as part of a worldwide network of research collections–your peers worldwide will be able to find it quickly. Datasets are also assigned DOIs, which further helps with citation and discovery.
  • Stability: Each item deposited in the RDSA gets a permanent, citable, linkable URL that will not change or break over time.
  • Longevity: The RDSA provides long-term storage for your materials by managing backups, and ensuring that your work remains accessible at a stable location on the Web and available to search engines.
Datasets can be submitted to the RDSA using this webform. Have questions or want to learn more? Contact
Fondren Library, Rice University | Digital Scholarship Services | Houston, TX 77005
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